Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 1999: President Clinton's impeachment trial ends

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It's a pleasure having your here at Please...have a crumpet. They're delicious.

We are dedicated to quickly learning new and interesting things that have happened on this day in history. Instead of throwing a thousand new facts at you daily or an hour long documentary at your about a really bad Thursday in the War of the Roses...we're taking a different approach. You will learn one new fact (via a YouTube) and you can learn even more about that via our Twitter or Facebook feeds.

It's really cool that George Washington was the only President to be elected unanimously (February 4, 1784). It's even cooler that he refused to serve a third term setting a precedent that would be followed for 150 years. It's even cooler-er (run with it) that he's the only President to never reside in the White House. Throughout the day, if you were paying attention on February 4th, you would learn all these interesting tid-bits. It's quick, it's painless, and it's cooler-er-er (stop it) than you could ever imagine.

Once a week you'll also get to experience Brief Biographies. This is really exactly what it sounds like...well, not exactly. This has nothing to do with underwear. will release a short biography on a historical figure, such as Malcolm X or Queen Elizabeth I.

As you can probably tell, our mission statement is to make learning new facts about history quick, engaging, and most importantly: fun.
